6.30pm (CJ)
OMG DAY 30!! I did it wahooooo!! What an awesome class. It was packed and I had friends all around me.
Bloody Malama though, was making faves during the floor series so we were all laughing and distracting the teacher, sorry CJ. It was a lot of fun though.
I felt slightly emotional going into class thinking about day 1 and the reasons why I chose to complete this challenge. I have learnt more in 30 days than what I've learnt in 2 years..the more I know about a posture and the correct way of doing it, the harder it gets.
Triangle has improved heaps, camel and full lotus are favorites of mine now. I have become stronger with my mind and my body and I have learnt to breather slower in panic times during class.
The team at Bonfire gave me a gift which I didn't expect but is very thoughtful of them - thanks to everyone at Bonfire - yore seriously the best studio.
I can not wait to do this all over again :)
Thank you for reading my blog, I will miss this little outlet of thoughts each day...might start a new one for something else??
Until next time x
ALix x
ALixs 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge
From January 21st 2013 I will start my very own 30 day Bikam Yoga Challenge. After 2 years of practice I figure it is about time I complete a 30 day challenge.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Day 29 18.02.13
Day 7.00pm (SB)
Phew, I thought I wasnt going to make it tonight but I did. I brought a friend along with me, Thanks Ro! You totally rocked class tonight.
It was a great energetic class, even one of the kids did a handstand haha :) I had an adjustment before class again from Dr Trent and holy shit balls it was a good cracking! I feel my alignment is improving after each week and it shows in my practice.
I can not believe tomorrow is my last day and Brooke only has 8 days to go.
I had friends all around me tonight and you could tell everyone was fully in the zone. No one was fidgeting or moving it was just perfect.
I had a little freak out though thinking my knee was effed in tree, like it felt like a ligament inside was....I dont know how to explain it but it felt as though there was nothing in there. Strange I know. But it turned out to be nothing.
Not much to speak on tonight - just looking forward to be able to say I have finished this challenge - My first ever completed challenge!
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Phew, I thought I wasnt going to make it tonight but I did. I brought a friend along with me, Thanks Ro! You totally rocked class tonight.
It was a great energetic class, even one of the kids did a handstand haha :) I had an adjustment before class again from Dr Trent and holy shit balls it was a good cracking! I feel my alignment is improving after each week and it shows in my practice.
I can not believe tomorrow is my last day and Brooke only has 8 days to go.
I had friends all around me tonight and you could tell everyone was fully in the zone. No one was fidgeting or moving it was just perfect.
I had a little freak out though thinking my knee was effed in tree, like it felt like a ligament inside was....I dont know how to explain it but it felt as though there was nothing in there. Strange I know. But it turned out to be nothing.
Not much to speak on tonight - just looking forward to be able to say I have finished this challenge - My first ever completed challenge!
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Day 28 17.02.13
8.00am (SN)
Phew, I thought I was going to die today. Last time we had Sarah Napels everyone hated life and didnt come back to the following week thinking she would be teaching - she does a hard class. But thank goodness she's been on holidays and wasn't 100% about how to use the heaters today. It felt cold as soon as we hit floor series, so much so it felt like the aircon was on and all my sweat stopped dripping.
Having a class at 8am is nice because the body has had more time in the morning to wake flex and bend a bit more than doing a class at 6am. I was next to Trudy this morning (front right hand side) and I find whenever I am next to her I end up being more strict with myself because her practice is amazing and still.
Standing Separate Head to Knee killed me today, I was shaking so much and I was finding it hard to tuck my forehead to my knee.
I was practicing my headstands after class and I have it finally in the bag. I just need to practice without looking at the mirror and without a wall behind me.
2 more classes to go wahoooo....but really looking forward to trying class in Melbourne - Fitzroy.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Phew, I thought I was going to die today. Last time we had Sarah Napels everyone hated life and didnt come back to the following week thinking she would be teaching - she does a hard class. But thank goodness she's been on holidays and wasn't 100% about how to use the heaters today. It felt cold as soon as we hit floor series, so much so it felt like the aircon was on and all my sweat stopped dripping.
Having a class at 8am is nice because the body has had more time in the morning to wake flex and bend a bit more than doing a class at 6am. I was next to Trudy this morning (front right hand side) and I find whenever I am next to her I end up being more strict with myself because her practice is amazing and still.
Standing Separate Head to Knee killed me today, I was shaking so much and I was finding it hard to tuck my forehead to my knee.
I was practicing my headstands after class and I have it finally in the bag. I just need to practice without looking at the mirror and without a wall behind me.
2 more classes to go wahoooo....but really looking forward to trying class in Melbourne - Fitzroy.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
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Me doing a handstand against a C17a Globermaster 3. |
Day 27 16.02.13
6.00am (RD)
Sharon (a Karma yogi like me) tried the back row on the left side and we both found it difficult. Its good to change it up as well to encourage newbies to try the front.
Regi said my Cobra was better so Im happy for that, I swear I feel her eyes on me sometimes so I end up pushing myself more beyond what I thought I could do. My standing bow felt amazing, I really emphasised the reach for the mirror and then I noticed my shoulders disappeared, AH HAH I get it!
Doing a 6am class is something I would like to get used to because its such a challenge to be super bendy at that time of the day.
I cant believe this experience is almost over. I will be doing it at least one more time this year or a 60 day one, but I need to get back to the gym for some more squatting.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
HAPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...Yep, we had to sing that twice during Triangle today haha Ive never done that before and boy it was funny...talk about not being able to breathe much.
Sharon (a Karma yogi like me) tried the back row on the left side and we both found it difficult. Its good to change it up as well to encourage newbies to try the front.
Regi said my Cobra was better so Im happy for that, I swear I feel her eyes on me sometimes so I end up pushing myself more beyond what I thought I could do. My standing bow felt amazing, I really emphasised the reach for the mirror and then I noticed my shoulders disappeared, AH HAH I get it!
Doing a 6am class is something I would like to get used to because its such a challenge to be super bendy at that time of the day.
I cant believe this experience is almost over. I will be doing it at least one more time this year or a 60 day one, but I need to get back to the gym for some more squatting.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Friday, February 15, 2013
Day 26 15.02.13
5.30pm (RD)
Finishing the week off in a perfect way
Tonight for the first time in this studio I tried right hand side third row back right next to the mirror. It was good but I came across one challenge - when I came to Balancing Stick I wasnt used to being so far from the mirror and lost my balance within 2seconds on each side. Seeing as Regi saw that I missed the posture we got to do two sets (60min class we would only normally do one set) and announcing to the class we will do a second set cause of me hehe opppss :) but glad we did!
After feeling bet up and tired all week I finally felt the "want" of Camel again and it was amazing! I loved it. I read in my MC book for me to deepen my backbend (in camel) is to look at the wall, floor, my mat and then try find my toes - so I tried this tonight and found my mat and continued to lift my chest...gosh I love that pose!
Toe Stand - Padangustasana - for any new person this posture is impossible but once shown the correct stages to get into this it then becomes easy, which is why it is still a beginners posture. I am struggling to get the balance on either toe and bring up my palms into prayer. My right knee is sore as its always been (I think its an ongoing soreness from dislocating it twice in my life), so I am careful on that knee, but one day I shall get there.
Salabhasana - I love this pose now - new actual fave (after Camel). After learning to keep my movement to a minimum and bring both arms under when I lift my body by being on my toes, I find my arms and hands are better placed and I am able to get both legs up in a comfortable way. Yay :)
Well I have a 6am class tomorrow so bed time for me.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Day 25 14.02.13
6.30pm (CJ)
Ill be honest and say Ive been feeling tired these last few classes but Im yet to regret doing a class. I do have more energy post class but during there are some points where I just want to take a nap.
I was in the front right corner this morning and I swear that is the hottest part of the room, three of us around that spot had to take knees a few times.
Standing Head to Knee - left leg, I was so close to getting to full expression. I got my head down and then slipped out...definitely want to get this posture down.
I want to start learning different yoga, mainly Ashtanga but there only seems to be one place n Brisbane which teaches it and theres Aerial Yoga I want to get back into....ahhhhh so much yoga, gotta love it.
Ive noticed my flexibility is slowly increasing and I have better attention to my breathe with going in and exiting postures.
Only 5 more days to go....I am looking forward to that last class when I can just lay in Savasana and reflect on my own little challenge.
More grateful each day and love my self more each day.
Hope everyone had an awesome day with their loved ones.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Day 24 13.02.13
7.00pm (RACH CAN)
Happy Hump Day!
Under a week to go!
Well something was going on in my head tonight....thoughts just kept coming and staying then come Camel they just left and I was able to smile and let it go!
You hear this over and over in yoga classes. Breathe and Relax! The breathe is so key to any yoga practice and it helps us get deeper into our postures creating more benefits for ourselves. I am glad I understand this more than ever.
Here is a list of a few things I've noticed / learnt since starting this challenge:
I feel stronger
I am able to be still
I've learnt to balance
I am able to focus better
Overcome a panic attack from heat
Not to become too attached to my favourite teachers
I've increased my ab strength
I could list off a million things I have learnt in class but I will do that another time, I just find it funny that after 2 years and the same dialogue I am still forgetting small things so Im glad that its the same 26 postures every class.
I just watched this clip from Tara Stiles - who is an old Ford Model turn yoga teacher and shes amazingly hot! Watch the clip here .
If anyone who reads this is or has done a yoga challenge I would like to know your experiences and thoughts so let me know.
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Tara Stiles |
Keeping it short :)
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Day 23 11.02.13
6.30pm (CJ)
OMG I am dead!! I am soooo wrecked, that class was INSANE! It was effing hot, people were dropping like flys. Zzzzz Boy I just want to sleep....Zzzzz
I sat out of one set of Ardha Khurmasana - Half Tortoise Pose. I felt like I couldn't keep up with my breathe cause the air was getting to me tonight. Not sure why, could be cause a Vinyasa class was before us, I didnt drink enough or I really hit some wall..either way glad I did all I could do.
On the bus on the way to my car this afternoon I was reading my MasterClass book and read a section on Dont React to Your Surroundings and Drinking as a Distraction. I found from all the stuff I read I tried to apply it as much as I could during tonight class...so worked hard to not, wipe any sweat, not fidget with clothes or my headband and to just look into my own eyes and try meditate. I think I got there, Im not 100% sure but during warm up I felt amazing and relaxed.
I must get some sleep now though, I am wasted. This time next week I will have just finished my challenge and sipping on a glass of Rosa that I brought for myself a while back as a treat to myself for finishing, its got Pinnochio on the bottle (my favourite Disney character).
Just found out theres a Bikram Studio in Melbourne (Thanks Seema), so I am looking forward to taking a class outside my comfort zone.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x
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