Good evening to all my lovely yogi and yoginis.
I'm sitting here at Greenbank RSL watching my friends sing, feeling slightly tired after class tonight.
I didn't plan to do the 5pm class so I went and had some sushi for an arvo snack but then when I got into the studio I thought I might as well head in. Considering I had just eaten I did well.
One thing I realise after coming in each day is; my spine always feels warmed up, my concentration and focus is a lot sharper and I am dripping sweat sooooooooooo much more than I used to.
Seema has been kind enough to share with me some tips on Floor Bow and it's crazy how after 2 years I FINALLY understand how I am meant to hold my feet to ensure my wrists are straight and learnt a technique to keep my knees close when kicking up.
Balancing Stick: This is another posture that I learnt something in. When you are stretching forward and stretching back you're meant to look forward keeping your chin away from the chest. In the dialogue they say it all the time, every single class, every teacher, ALL THE TIME "Chin away from the chest" and you would think I would know what that means...but no, not until now. So tonight in the posture I looked forward and I was able I balance better and see the alignment of my hips.
Two thirds of the way through and I really want to attempt a 60 day challenge next. This is too fun.
I seen Brooke go in for her class so it's all full steam ahead. Yay.
Until tomorrow x
ALix x