Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 13 02.02.13

6.00am (RD)

My favourite posuture - USTRASANACAMEL! I just want to write a few things on this posture because it is so good for you.

This is an extreme backbend which we tend to be able to go further in rather than the first backbend in half moon because we have the assistance of our hands. When we backbend we are compressing all the nerves in our spine which our nervous system connects with. They can create the sensation of feeling unprotected and/or vulnerable which is not a normal feeling so a lot of people will tend to exit the posture earlier than required. 

In this backbend you want to create a feeling like you are going over a beach ball and ensuring not to collapse into the lower lumber spine. You look back pressing your hips forward and relaxing your head with eyes as far back to the floor behind you as possible. Your chest is pressing up to the ceiling and you are opening up the whole front side of the body (7 Chakras). It is important to remember to breath at this point even if it does feel impossible. 

Blood in the body is working from all over the to race to the heart and calm it down
Backbends create a vacuum effect to relieve pressure of subluxations
Every muscle in the body has memory and can store emotion
Helps realign the spine

Yoga can help release emotion in more ways than you think which is why some people find themselves shedding a tear in class. I know Ive had a class like that where I couldn't stop balling my eyes out and after the warm up series I couldn't move. (Paul Balachs class Sept 2012)

Well to tell you how my class went this morning, it was hard. I placed myself in the back row thinking maybe Regi wouldn't really see me but no, who was I kidding, there is no hiding from teachers no matter where you are in the class. I was feeling stiff in the lower back so forward bends were a struggle but I kicked through as much as I could. 

It was a great class though, Regi pointed out some things for me:

Full Locust - I always thought I was doing this right..Nope, not even close. In Regis words "are you ok? cause your arms have to go in line with your head and Im thinking what the hell are you doing?". I DIDNT KNOW what that meant until today haha I love how I am still learning this stuff! So she helped me in second set and now I understand - its a whole different feeling in my back. Cant wait to try do this one again tomorrow now. 

Triangle - I need to not take a smaller step out..I shall try for a smaller stance tomorrow. 

Awkward part 1 - I got a praise for this wahooo....I did read into this posture last night in my MasterClass book so maybe that paid off? I have just this year been able to sit back enough to have my toes come off the floor...its such a great posture for determination. 

I spent most the day at the studio talking with the girls and Jodi is thinking about doing teacher training now and that just made me happy. She has gone from her 30 day challenge (day 27 today) to now choosing to continue on to 60 days and now teacher training!! That is such a life changing decision Im so happy for her!! 

So grateful as always to be learning from fellow peers and be apart of such a loving team. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

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