Tuesday, February 19, 2013

DAY 30 19.02.13

6.30pm (CJ)

OMG DAY 30!! I did it wahooooo!! What an awesome class. It was packed and I had friends all around me.

Bloody Malama though, was making faves during the floor series so we were all laughing and distracting the teacher, sorry CJ. It was a lot of fun though.

I felt slightly emotional going into class thinking about day 1 and the reasons why I chose to complete this challenge. I have learnt more in 30 days than what I've learnt in 2 years..the more I know about a posture and the correct way of doing it, the harder it gets.

Triangle has improved heaps, camel and full lotus are favorites of mine now. I have become stronger with my mind and my body and I have learnt to breather slower in panic times during class.

The team at Bonfire gave me a gift which I didn't expect but is very thoughtful of them - thanks to everyone at Bonfire - yore seriously the best studio.

I can not wait to do this all over again :)

Thank you for reading my blog, I will miss this little outlet of thoughts each day...might start a new one for something else??

Until next time x

ALix x

Monday, February 18, 2013

Day 29 18.02.13

Day 7.00pm (SB)

Phew, I thought I wasnt going to make it tonight but I did. I brought a friend along with me, Thanks Ro! You totally rocked class tonight.

It was a great energetic class, even one of the kids did a handstand haha :) I had an adjustment before class again from Dr Trent and holy shit balls it was a good cracking! I feel my alignment is improving after each week and it shows in my practice.

I can not believe tomorrow is my last day and Brooke only has 8 days to go.

I had friends all around me tonight and you could tell everyone was fully in the zone. No one was fidgeting or moving it was just perfect.
I had a little freak out though thinking my knee was effed in tree, like it felt like a ligament inside was....I dont know how to explain it but it felt as though there was nothing in there. Strange I know. But it turned out to be nothing.

Not much to speak on tonight - just looking forward to be able to say I have finished this challenge - My first ever completed challenge!

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 28 17.02.13

8.00am (SN)

Phew, I thought I was going to die today. Last time we had Sarah Napels everyone hated life and didnt come back to the following week thinking she would be teaching - she does a hard class. But thank goodness she's been on holidays and wasn't 100% about how to use the heaters today. It felt cold as soon as we hit floor series, so much so it felt like the aircon was on  and all my sweat stopped dripping. 

Having a class at 8am is nice because the body has had more time in the morning to wake flex and bend a bit more than doing a class at 6am. I was next to Trudy this morning (front right hand side) and I find whenever I am next to her I end up being more strict with myself because her practice is amazing and still. 

Standing Separate Head to Knee killed me today, I was shaking so much and I was finding it hard to tuck my forehead to my knee. 

I was practicing my headstands after class and I have it finally in the bag. I just need to practice without looking at the mirror and without a wall behind me. 

2 more classes to go wahoooo....but really looking forward to trying class in Melbourne - Fitzroy. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x
Me doing a handstand against a C17a Globermaster 3. 

Day 27 16.02.13

6.00am (RD)

HAPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SUE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...Yep, we had to sing that twice during Triangle today haha Ive never done that before and boy it was funny...talk about not being able to breathe much. 

Sharon (a Karma yogi like me) tried the back row on the left side and we both found it difficult. Its good to change it up as well to encourage newbies to try the front. 

Regi said my Cobra was better so Im happy for that, I swear I feel her eyes on me sometimes so I end up pushing myself more beyond what I thought I could do. My standing bow felt amazing, I really emphasised the reach for the mirror and then I noticed my shoulders disappeared, AH HAH I get it!

Doing a 6am class is something I would like to get used to because its such a challenge to be super bendy at that time of the day. 

I cant believe this experience is almost over. I will be doing it at least one more time this year or a 60 day one, but I need to get back to the gym for some more squatting. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 26 15.02.13

5.30pm (RD)

Finishing the week off in a perfect way

Tonight for the first time in this studio I tried right hand side third row back right next to the mirror. It was good but I came across one challenge - when I came to Balancing Stick I wasnt used to being so far from the mirror and lost my balance within 2seconds on each side. Seeing as Regi saw that I missed the posture we got to do two sets (60min class we would only normally do one set) and announcing to the class we will do a second set cause of me hehe opppss :) but glad we did!

After feeling bet up and tired all week I finally felt the "want" of Camel again and it was amazing! I loved it. I read in my MC book for me to deepen my backbend (in camel) is to look at the wall, floor, my mat and then try find my toes - so I tried this tonight and found my mat and continued to lift my chest...gosh I love that pose!

Toe Stand - Padangustasana - for any new person this posture is impossible but once shown the correct stages to get into this it then becomes easy, which is why it is still a beginners posture. I am struggling to get the balance on either toe and bring up my palms into prayer. My right knee is sore as its always been (I think its an ongoing soreness from dislocating it twice in my life), so I am careful on that knee, but one day I shall get there. 

Salabhasana - I love this pose now - new actual fave (after Camel). After learning to keep my movement to a minimum and bring both arms under when I lift my body by being on my toes, I find my arms and hands are better placed and I am able to get both legs up in a comfortable way. Yay :)

Well I have a 6am class tomorrow so bed time for me. 

Until tomorrow x 

ALix x 

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 25 14.02.13

6.30pm (CJ)

Ill be honest and say Ive been feeling tired these last few classes but Im yet to regret doing a class. I do have more energy post class but during there are some points where I just want to take a nap. 
I was in the front right corner this morning and I swear that is the hottest part of the room, three of us around that spot had to take knees a few times. 

Standing Head to Knee - left leg, I was so close to getting to full expression. I got my head down and then slipped out...definitely want to get this posture down. 

I want to start learning different yoga, mainly Ashtanga but there only seems to be one place n Brisbane which teaches it and theres Aerial Yoga I want to get back into....ahhhhh so much yoga, gotta love it. 

Ive noticed my flexibility is slowly increasing and I have better attention to my breathe with going in and exiting postures. 

Only 5 more days to go....I am looking forward to that last class when I can just lay in Savasana and reflect on my own little challenge. 
More grateful each day and love my self more each day. 

Hope everyone had an awesome day with their loved ones.

Until tomorrow x 

ALix x 

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Day 24 13.02.13

7.00pm (RACH CAN)

Happy Hump Day! 

Under a week to go!

Well something was going on in my head tonight....thoughts just kept coming and staying then come Camel they just left and I was able to smile and let it go! 

You hear this over and over in yoga classes. Breathe and Relax! The breathe is so key to any yoga practice and it helps us get deeper into our postures creating more benefits for ourselves. I am glad I understand this more than ever.

Here is a list of a few things I've noticed / learnt since starting this challenge: 
I feel stronger
I am able to be still
I've learnt to balance
I am able to focus better
Overcome a panic attack from heat
Not to become too attached to my favourite teachers
I've increased my ab strength

I could list off a million things I have learnt in class but I will do that another time, I just find it funny that after 2 years and the same dialogue I am still forgetting small things so Im glad that its the same 26 postures every class. 

I just watched this clip from Tara Stiles - who is an old Ford Model turn yoga teacher and shes amazingly hot! Watch the clip here . 

If anyone who reads this is or has done a yoga challenge I would like to know your experiences and thoughts so let me know.   

Tara Stiles 

Keeping it short :)

Until tomorrow x 

ALix x

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 23 11.02.13

6.30pm (CJ)

OMG I am dead!! I am soooo wrecked, that class was INSANE! It was effing hot, people were dropping like flys. Zzzzz Boy I just want to sleep....Zzzzz

I sat out of one set of Ardha Khurmasana - Half Tortoise Pose. I felt like I couldn't keep up with my breathe cause the air was getting to me tonight. Not sure why, could be cause a Vinyasa class was before us, I didnt drink enough or I really hit some wall..either way glad I did all I could do. 

On the bus on the way to my car this afternoon I was reading my MasterClass book and read a section on Dont React to Your Surroundings and Drinking as a Distraction. I found from all the stuff I read I tried to apply it as much as I could during tonight class...so worked hard to not, wipe any sweat, not fidget with clothes or my headband and to just look into my own eyes and try meditate. I think I got there, Im not 100% sure but during warm up I felt amazing and relaxed. 

I must get some sleep now though, I am wasted. This time next week I will have just finished my challenge and sipping on a glass of Rosa that I brought for myself a while back as a treat to myself for finishing, its got Pinnochio on the bottle (my favourite Disney character).

Just found out theres a Bikram Studio in Melbourne (Thanks Seema), so I am looking forward to taking a class outside my comfort zone. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 22 11.02.13

7.00pm (SB)

FEELING AMAZING FOR A MONDAY!! (except I just drunk off milk and tim tams..arghh). 

Class was awesome tonight I am back on that crazy energy post class again. I got an adjustment tonight from a different chiro than normal and holy shit balls he cracked me good. He cracked different spots than normal and then going straight into class I could feel how my shoulders were just much more relaxed...everyone has to get onto chiro care - its can fix things you didnt know you had problems with. 

Im still going strong on the no coffee thing still and I dont really miss it, I will however have one massive coffee when I land in Melbourne next week. 

The class before us came out looking all exhausted so I was a bit scared to be going into the already pre-haeted room but it turned out to be just perfect. I got in early set my mat up in a spot next to the wall...next thing I know, I come in to lay down and little miss jokestar (Malama aka MAMAMA) suddenly moved my mat right next to the teacher haha made me laugh - we have a lot of fun her and a few other girls. 

Before going into class I was reading the MasterClass and was reading on the "Tourniquet Effect". I only started hearing about this when I joined Bonfire. The effect involves pressure and release. So if I try and put this into my own words, when we hold a pose that pin points a certain part in our body, and hold it for a moment then release, all the fresh blood releases flushing anything in its way. In this book it explains it is good to "hold the pose with no interim release of grip or position", so it is good to move slowly into the pose (depends on some thought) and at the last few seconds push to your maximum. I tried this in class with my Standing Bow, I know with my right leg I can bring it up higher than my left so I always push hard right away which I then end up falling out sooner. Tonight I went slowly and in the last few seconds I held on tighter and kicked right up....that way I was able to stick with the posture creating a Tourniquet effect to the maximum capability (I hope this is right, if any teachers read this please correct me). 

Im going to make myself a goal right now..I want to be able to do Full Camel by Christmas this year!! 

I had a work friend who is a Yogini too if I wanted to compete..haha whattttt?? Thats crazy talk. But I would like to try it just to see how the whole process goes...its all just for fun after all. So maybe if i find a state level competition I will try my best.

Anyways, I just had a chat with my bestie in Switzerland via Skype, I am missing her sooo much. Her and her hubbie do this every year to me, go and travel somewhere around the globe. She just made my night - love ya dude!

One day I want to take her class - Emmy Cleaves.

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Day 21 10.02.13

8.00am (RD)

Practicing Bird of Paradise 

Third day with the same teacher....that doesnt happen often but I am loving it, Regi is giving me alot of pointers to help improve my postures. 

I thought I would find it hard to get to class every day at this point in the challenge but I dont even think of it as a challenge anymore, its just a thing I must do every day and I havent once heard my self say "Ohhh I dont want to go to Yoga"! I wonder what the old me would of said about doing hot yoga or even a challenge like this? Its been a bit hard not being able to see friends and all but the reward is having a mini holiday in Melbourne with them for a weekend. 

Regi gave more tips on Triangle so its is starting to make sense and I can starting to feel how I should be sitting in that posture now (I have previously been stepping out too wide). 
I was able to do Full Locust better and get my arms way up and back in align with my head. 
Yesterday the other posture Regi helped me with was Cobra, I wasnt getting my chest up enough so that is a new work in progress.
Ive have got to that stage that when its time for Camel I want to hi-5 the person next to me cause I get so excited haha. 

Bruises - how the hell??? I have bruises on my hips from Floor bow and when going into Locust it can sometimes hurt. Oh well - pushing through the pain. 

Salabhasana - this used to be a very much hated pose, now it is a pose I am forcing myself to love because I want to get it right. Only a year into this yoga did I learn to keep my hips level and only during this challenge did I finally get the motion of moving weight into my shoulders to be able to bring up both legs - this really gets my heart racing. I just read in my MasterClass book about getting in and out of this pose - a lot of people get into this posture in such a messy form (me at the moment) and what it explains is to flex your feet up and straight and get both arms under at once, having to only move the body once. Good tip!

It is Bikrams Birthday today - so happy birthday and thank you for introducing this sequence of postures to the world. 

Until tomorrow x


Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 20 09.02.13

6.00am (RD)

"At the centre of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want" - Lao Tzu

Practicing Scorpion - scary but love it. 

Great morning for yoga - 22 people up nice and early to get our workout on. I was front row with Miss Brooke and another regular Tegan - it was good cause we were all so still and focused. 

Twice Regi made her way next to me to help me with postures - I love it cause I dont even know what i'm meant to look like half the time. During spine strengthening series she helped me with Full Locust (again)...I know now to move my arms UP first then bring them back towards the backside of the room and the other posture but I cant remember what it was.
I just noticed today that my skin is feeling amazing and I think my arms are getting more shape - yay I want sexy arms! Regi complimented me on my standing bow - only my right leg is able to come super high but I am working on my left leg more each class. 

The heat is non existent to me these last few weeks, I only feel like Im dying is when my heart is racing after coming out of a posture (Balancing Stick). I am feeling amazing though, this yoga has really made me learn to focus more at work and my self confidence has improved. 

I cant believe I only have 10 days left...I will miss being there every day but good things to happen on my mini holiday to Melbourne / Avalon. 

Until tomorrow x 

ALix x 

Day 19 08.02.13

5.30pm (RD)


Ohhh what a great way to finish the week with a session in the hot room! 37 degrees is perfect for me!
This week has gone so super fast it felt like a 4 day week. I am feeling great but for some reason I always seem to yawn in Pranyamana breathing in Regis classes. I don't remember doing yawning in other teachers classes but hers...I don't know what it is? Im not bored...maybe relaxed?

I like having different teachers and listening to their teaching technique and how they put different spins on their dialogue...one saying Regi says around the end of the class "Alright newbies, we just finished warm up, are you warm enough to start doing some yoga now?" and "initiation for newbies is human pyramid with first timers on top"...always gets a laugh or look of panic from some :)

Great turn out in class tonight. Alot of people love to come and clear their head after a crazy work week, I know I do.

I will some more on here tomorrow as its already 11pm and I have class at 6am :)

Ok so last nights class was great...I think I will leave it there and write on todays class (Day 20).

......ALix x

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 18 07.02.13

6.30pm (CJ)

Crazy awesome busy day at work and now I am waiting to head into the hot room. So one thing I forgot to mention last night was that before class I got a Shiatsu Massage from CJ. It was my first time getting one like that and it was incredible. It was a slow but deep feeling massage. I felt in Pranayama that my shoulders were able to move more and all day at work I couldnt feel any pull in my right shoulder (which always gives me pain). Instead of directly massaging the shoulder she got right into my glutes and holy shit balls it was painnnnnfullllll but good.......who would of thought massaging my butt to relieve my shoulder......well it worked!

Day 18 complete. Tonights class wasnt as packed as I like but was great fun. Im feeling s bit tired tonight compared to normal, maybe cause I woke earlier to drop Seema and Deb to the airport. 
I am starting to feel the strength in my arms and back muscles - the amount of holding we do in this yoga really makes you contract all your body parts and thats when you start noticing differences, slowly but surely! 
A newbie left class to throw up today and she came back in....what a solider! I know I wouldn't come back in so good to see determination. 

Ohh another thing I forgot last night - after coming out of that long held Camel, my heart was racing so hard it wanted to jump out of my chest! AMAZING!
I cant believe this is almost over...I am going to miss the studio when Im away in Melbs and Avalon at the end of the month. 

For a Instagram page I am following - Uttanasana

Keeping it short..

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 17 06.02.13

7.00pm (SM)

As you read this post you have to listen to this song, cause right now I am listening to it with the biggest smile on my face, ohhh I love 1960's music! 

Oh glorious Yoga how I am addicted to thee!! I got my "Bikram Choudhury Bikram Yoga" book today in the mail...so excited. I have so much to read and learn, I figure if I learn all this now, then come teacher training I will have more insight, plus it will better my own practice. 

WAHOOOOO tonights class was packed - 53 people with 10 newbies. The energy was amazing and everyone practiced great stillness around me. One newbie behind me was doing so well, she was trying every posture even if she didn't get into it fully she just kept getting right back into the posture - so good to see that in a newbie.  

Highlight of the night was Seema letting us hold Camel...I was kinda hoping she would do this so Im glad I got this little challenge in during class. I have this feeling when I get out of this posture like I am sinking within a coffin (bad way to explain it but oh well), I feel like I am in a nice little tight box sinking below the ground - It feels an absolutely awesome feeling. 

Oh golly, Standing Head to Knee - this posture for my right leg is harder than my left. It could have to do with my different length arms or something, Im not 100% sure what it is, but I am unable to bend my arms below my calves like I can on me left leg. So I am really trying to kick out in this posture and see where this is going wrong.

I am venturing out and trying new postures of yoga and I am having fun learning what my body can do. I tried scorpion by going from head stand and getting a feel for flat palms and it was a crazy feeling - looking forward to getting that down pact. 

Not much to write tonight other than it was amazing and for a minimal sleep I have had over this challenge I am surprised I am not worn out by now. Yay for ENERGY!

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day 16 05.02.13

6.30pm (SM)

Oh goodness, I had to check my own blog to see what day I was up to. I have cracked the 200 mark on people reading this blog...who the hell is reading this? but Im glad there are readers...theres one special person in Malaysia so hello to you. Rest are from USA, Japan, Germany and South Korea - Hello to all my readers!!  

Tonights class was amazing...hardly felt the heat but was dripping sweat in second set of Pranayama. I find myself really focusing harder in the mirror now and can easily go a whole class with no water.  

Jodi completed her 30 day challenge today! WELL DONE JODZ, you are amazing. What an accomplishment! I remember when I met her she was on day 6 and in just a short amount of time she is just non stop smiling - so good to see! 

Well Done Miss Jodi!

Ohhhh Camel....I love you! For second set I decided to really concentrate on pushing my chest to the ceiling and then Seema asks us to hold it for as long as we could and at that point I went into the most relaxing breath - my eyes were dead still, chest up, hips forward, palms gripping my heals and it was just a moment I felt comfortable in the posture. Ohh I want to do that again! Thank goodness for second set!

Half Tortoise Pose - Ardha Khurmasana - If you watch this video that is linked here << you can see how the posture is done. There is a common mistake that people will just fall right into this posture. The key is to look up chin up at yourself in the mirror (like we do in standing separate stretching pose) and go down slowly until our forehead touches then our hands touch with only the pinkies on the ground as we stretch out. I will admit I used to actually just "chillout" during this posture but now I actively lengthen my back, strengthen my arms and tighten my core and push my butt down into my heels. Now I can feel it all over and can finally appreciate what this posture can do for you.  

One guy at work today said he could never come to hot yoga because he isn't flexible enough - for anyone who thinks the same...DONT THINK THAT! When I started I was useless, I could touch my toes but that was it. This yoga pushes your body pass any limitations and you end up finding your self with a stronger mind and doing postures you never dreamt of doing. It is for anyone and everyone. I am very passionate about this yoga mainly cause I have noticed in myself what it has done for me and you cant blame for me wanting to share it with everyone I know. 

Handstand February with Regi Seema and Roberta (I forgot to tuck my butt in)

Not long now until I am in Melbourne and Avalon - I am so excited.

Until tomorrow x

ALix x 

Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 15 04.03.13

7.00pm (SB)


I am so happy and excited, I have a lot of energy considering I had a debbie downer day at work. The thing that kept me going today was knowing I was going to be in the hot room at 7pm. 
We had a massive class with 55 people. That is the maximum we have reached. There was about 8 newbies scattered around the room and they smashed it. The room was insanely hot and full of happy energy. Funny thing was someone let gas out in Floor Bow and everyone started laughing...still dont know who it was - least they were doing it right and RELAXING!

I cant feel myself getting sick of this and can understand how 60 days seems like an easy target. I will definitely be doing this all over again! Brooke wasnt feeling today (being sick and sleeping all day) and she still came and braved through it all for class - that shows amazing strength! 
Jodi is on day 29 and you can just see how much she is just growing to love this yoga - I am so proud of her whole transition to sticking to her practice and listening to her speak to newbies is inspiring.

I am so beyond happy! 

"Half posers" 

Even though there was a fully packed out class everyone was practicing with such stillness it was amazing to see and hear. Pranayama Breathing you could see everyone in sync with a sea of arms...it was awesome. 

I am learning to take my Standing Bows slower and really push to the extreme at the end of the pose to try get maximum stretch and try getting my chest parallel to the ground. 

I got my first adjustment for 2013 from the great Dr Espen. It felt great to get cracked before class. Gotta love chiro care :) it is such a good thing to get your spine checked cause a lot of people wont know they have subluxations and getting adjustments can help prevent your discs deteriorating even more and help our central nervous system.

Seema is doing a "handstand February" for this group on FB, so I am joining with her to try and see if I can get this handstand business down. After doing one, it will admit it is easier to do a headstand. 

Not too much on the postures today....it is all great!

Until tomorrow x

ALix x 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 14 03.02.13

7.00am (MF)

What an awesome day! I picked up Brooke and Seema early this morning to head to the Parkwood studio and practice there with Miss Michelle. The Parkwood studio has inferred heating which is different to what we have at BP and Jindas, it is intense the first time but today wasn't as bad but it makes the sweat super hot. 

Seema and I walk the wall

Michelle was my first Bonfire teacher so I get excited when I know Ill have her teaching class. I wish I could have a camera on me during class cause when teachers say "you have a beautiful practice" I want to know what that looks like? Are they not looking at me in triangle :).

Pranayama Breathing - I really love how this posture gets me dripping sweat after one set. If I haven't sweated much by second set then I know the room isn't hot enough but that is yet to happen! I love how you can feel your lungs expanding in this posture and I feel it sets me up for having a steady calm breath throughout the whole series. I have just learnt over the pass 6months to actually put weight in the heels and suck the belly in, it makes a big difference. 

I did Full Locust pose the right way today and goodness me you really feel it in your shoulder muscles. I don't remember having any break throughs or concerns during this class, it was just a nice smooth running class.

"When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the o that has been opened for us" - Helen Heller 

Great day out in the sun with the two ladies, I am a little sunburnt and in need of some sleep. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x 

Seema Brooke and I after class....coconuts anyone?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Day 13 02.02.13

6.00am (RD)

My favourite posuture - USTRASANACAMEL! I just want to write a few things on this posture because it is so good for you.

This is an extreme backbend which we tend to be able to go further in rather than the first backbend in half moon because we have the assistance of our hands. When we backbend we are compressing all the nerves in our spine which our nervous system connects with. They can create the sensation of feeling unprotected and/or vulnerable which is not a normal feeling so a lot of people will tend to exit the posture earlier than required. 

In this backbend you want to create a feeling like you are going over a beach ball and ensuring not to collapse into the lower lumber spine. You look back pressing your hips forward and relaxing your head with eyes as far back to the floor behind you as possible. Your chest is pressing up to the ceiling and you are opening up the whole front side of the body (7 Chakras). It is important to remember to breath at this point even if it does feel impossible. 

Blood in the body is working from all over the to race to the heart and calm it down
Backbends create a vacuum effect to relieve pressure of subluxations
Every muscle in the body has memory and can store emotion
Helps realign the spine

Yoga can help release emotion in more ways than you think which is why some people find themselves shedding a tear in class. I know Ive had a class like that where I couldn't stop balling my eyes out and after the warm up series I couldn't move. (Paul Balachs class Sept 2012)

Well to tell you how my class went this morning, it was hard. I placed myself in the back row thinking maybe Regi wouldn't really see me but no, who was I kidding, there is no hiding from teachers no matter where you are in the class. I was feeling stiff in the lower back so forward bends were a struggle but I kicked through as much as I could. 

It was a great class though, Regi pointed out some things for me:

Full Locust - I always thought I was doing this right..Nope, not even close. In Regis words "are you ok? cause your arms have to go in line with your head and Im thinking what the hell are you doing?". I DIDNT KNOW what that meant until today haha I love how I am still learning this stuff! So she helped me in second set and now I understand - its a whole different feeling in my back. Cant wait to try do this one again tomorrow now. 

Triangle - I need to not take a smaller step out..I shall try for a smaller stance tomorrow. 

Awkward part 1 - I got a praise for this wahooo....I did read into this posture last night in my MasterClass book so maybe that paid off? I have just this year been able to sit back enough to have my toes come off the floor...its such a great posture for determination. 

I spent most the day at the studio talking with the girls and Jodi is thinking about doing teacher training now and that just made me happy. She has gone from her 30 day challenge (day 27 today) to now choosing to continue on to 60 days and now teacher training!! That is such a life changing decision Im so happy for her!! 

So grateful as always to be learning from fellow peers and be apart of such a loving team. 

Until tomorrow x

ALix x

Friday, February 1, 2013

Day 12 01.02.13

5.30pm (RD)

Welcome home Regina!!!!! We had a nicely packed class tonight to welcome home one of our head teachers who has been on a holiday in her home town Montreal, Canada. 

I have left class feeling awesome and glad to have sweated so much, after minimal yesterday. 
In eagle posture we did have one girl pop her knee out and back in. Lucky we had Seema in class with us so she was able to assist the young girl an Regi could continue with class. 
Which leads me to...you can be SUPER flexible in this yoga and do great postures and all but what some people need to learn is to use our strength to prevent injury like hyper extending your leg in Standing forehead to knee, if you aren't locking your knee the posture hasn't begun.  

I had a thought during class that reminded me of something Dr A said one, that when you practice this yoga for so long you develop a love for it so much that you want to teach it. I want to teach this yoga so much! I will one day make it to teacher training in Los Angeles and experience the intense 9 week program, it will be amazing! I have my Hot Yoga Master Class book next to me so I am going to do some reading. 

Half moon - right hip more forward
Triangle - right hip down more

Feeling great being nearly half way through the challenge. I nearly forgot to tell you, I haven't had coffee for 12 days as well, been drinking tea instead! I thought at work I would die without it...NOPE! Doing just fine!

Regina and I 2012

Until tomorrow x 

ALix x